7 Tips For Sharing Your Lettering on Instagram!
Here are my 7 tips for sharing your hand lettering (or art) on Instagram. I’ve had my account for about a year and a half and WOW I’ve learned so much. I will say that putting yourself out there might feel scary or you may be thinking, “I’m not good enough so I won’t yet”. Sharing your art might be hard but I have found it to be worth it. Seeing your growth in a tangible way is incredible! Do it for yourself.
Below is my personal advice for taking on the gram…
1. Start a new account separate from your other personal one
Friends and family are probably your biggest fans but keep things separate… and make sure you get a business account. Plus, I have found that having my art separate helps me be more intentional, organized and allows me to connect with other artists more easily. This leads me to my next point…
2. Connect with and encourage other hand lettering artists
You need to engage with others and be genuine about it. What does engage mean? It’s liking and commenting on other people’s work. How can you be genuine? Don’t comment with one heart emoji. Instead, share your real thoughts an encouragement on their content. (To be honest I can spot a fake a mile away) And guess what? The online hand lettering community is one of the most uplifting and encouraging communities out there. You will be so glad you started connecting with everyone else. There are thousands of others who share their art. When I first started I was AMAZED at what everyone was doing. This is a great way to learn from others, and gain inspiration.
3. Don’t compare
If I was playing an instrument you would be able to tell how long I’ve been practicing. Same with hand lettering and art. Everyone was a beginner once. Remember to keep yourself out of the comparison game. The world needs YOU… end of story.
4. Create a cohesive feed
I use the same filter and editing steps for all my pictures. When you come to my page it looks put together, and it flows nicely. Using the same process will speed up your work time as well. Some people use the filter, some use the same photography style. There are so many ways to create a feed that matches your work and your personality. I will do another whole post on it! But for now, I will say I use Preview for planning my photo feed and Lightroom for editing (pictured below).
5. Show us your process
My lettering videos are by far my most popular posts. It’s great to share yourself working. Show people how you do what you do. I have another post about my tripods and in the end I share tips for filming lettering. This can apply for other art as well. Go check it out! Tripods for Filming Your Hand Lettering Videos
6. Use hashtags
I definitely have a love-hate relationship with these guys. I love them because they work! I dislike them because it’s not my favorite thing to do. Using hashtags helps others find you. Make sure you change up your hashtags to match your posts, but keep a running list as well. Let me tell you that typing out each hashtag over and over is a legit waste of time. To help you get started I created a little freebie for you. This is a list of hashtags great for lettering artists. Enjoy!
Click here or on the image below to download the Free PDF
7. You need to be yourself
You have heard this a million times but it’s just so true. Think about what stage of life you are in right now. People want to know! With an art-based Instagram feed, you need to be intentional about sharing a little about yourself as well. Those who follow you want to connect on a personal level. Talk about your struggles, what you are learning and what you are working on! Of course, it will mostly be your work but in the captions, you can share your personal side. Trust me, people want to know about you and your life!
There you have it. My 7 tips for sharing your art or hand lettering. Did you learn anything new? Comment below and let me know! We are all in this together friends. Let’s be good to each other and cheer on.